Ventilating Fan – Commercial

Ventilating Fan – Commercial

  • S10M
  • S12M
  • S16M
  • S20M

Product Specification

  • Metal molded fan with louvers.
  • Metal fan with control Switch.
  • Fully closed high speed motor.
  • 100% Copper winding for longer life.
  • Steel fans with special coating avoids oil sticking.
  • Voltage / Frequency 220 V – 240 V / 50 Hz
Technical Features S10M S12M S16M S20M
Size (Inch/mm) 10/250 12/300 16/400 20/500
Air Delivery (m3/hr) 850 1080 2280 5700
RPM 1350 1350 1350 1350
Power (Watts) 38 45 145 350

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